The Running (Through) of the Bulls

A futures trader (apparently still in college) loses 40K, wiping out his account, over the long weekend on Dow futures. There are some YouTube videos on there as well, with a picture-in-picture of him superimposed over his trading software, swearing a lot. From an article linked to in comments elsewhere on his blog: From my …

The D-League Experience, Even Cheaper

I just read on the D-League president’s blog that, from now until the end of the season, you’ll be able to watch all D-League games for free as streaming video. I haven’t checked it out yet, but this explains the presence of cameras and video editing equipment at the games we’ve attended for the last …

Can I Keep My Jersey?

The title of this entry is taken from the book of the same name by Paul Shirley, occasional NBA player and basketball wordsmith. It’s a very funny book, mixing insight into the sometimes surreal lives of basketball mercenaries, along with ruminations on more philosophical questions. Given the occasional crazy outburst by an NBA player, it’s …

A Little Paranoia Goes a Long Way

I read an article this morning on the theft of customer data (including credit card data) from, a site from which I had purchased a cheap graphics tablet on a lark about eight months ago. Of course, I immediately got concerned, and checked my credit cards for any suspicious charges, but found none. (The …